Tuesday in Tokyo....What to wear to the Auto Show?
Today we had our last full day in Japan all mapped out. We were going to start at the John Lennon museum, have lunch, attend the Tokyo International Auto Show and have good Japanese dinner to celebrate our tour. Somehow Yoko decided that Tuesdays are good days to be closed (?) so the museum was out. We got directions to the auto show from the nice girl at the front desk. She told us the JR train ride would take about 40 minutes. It took over an hour and several transfers but we made it. This show is immense, probably the premiere auto show in the world as it happens every three years. Every car, truck and motorcycle manufacturer is presented there (except KTM). The future of the automobile is bright and shiny, powered by fuel cell technology. Small is in and if one man has anything to say about it, guys ill be dressing in red rubber skirts and yellow stockings (like he did...wha???). I shot so many pictures, I feel like a freelance photog for Car and Driver. After the show,we had a traditional Japanese meal in Tokyo and toasted our great fortune for having been blessed with such a wonderful trip, great audiences, new fans and friends and memories that will last a lifetime. Peace Rick
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