Dust in My Pocket
My momentary creative hibernation is over and now it's time to get back to work! I have begun putting the final touches on a new album that should be ready for release by Memorial Day. I am real excited about the new material and I hope you will enjoy it too.
It has been refreshing, this little break I have been on. I have hiked, biked, breathed and felt the warmth of good times. Some winters are easier than others and this was one of the colder ones. It is springtime in Florida as there is pine pollen all over my car already!
My momentary creative hibernation is over and now it's time to get back to work! I have begun putting the final touches on a new album that should be ready for release by Memorial Day. I am real excited about the new material and I hope you will enjoy it too.
It has been refreshing, this little break I have been on. I have hiked, biked, breathed and felt the warmth of good times. Some winters are easier than others and this was one of the colder ones. It is springtime in Florida as there is pine pollen all over my car already!
BTW, have you been paying attention to the pre-pre-pre-election coverage? It reminds me of how out of touch we are with the real issues. It's like the paparazzi chasing Britney on her way to a date with Joron Van Der Sloot, there's plenty to see but no substance....ughhh!
Anyway, I'm dumping the dust out of my pocket and filling it with guitar picks!
Anyway, I'm dumping the dust out of my pocket and filling it with guitar picks!
私の瞬間的創造的休止状態にすることは、今以上の時間を利用して仕事に戻る!パットが出てきた私の最後の仕上げをして新しいアルバムをリリースして準備をしなければならないの記念日です。私は本当の興奮については、新素材やお楽しみいただけることを願っている。 新鮮されて、私は、この小さな休憩している。私は引き上げ、 biked 、息のぬくもりが感じられる良い回とします。いくつかの他の人々と、この冬は、より簡単に行えるように冷たいもののうちの一つだった。それは、フロリダ州の春には松の花粉をすべてやり直すとしての私の車は既に! ところで、あなたは今までに注目して、事前に事前に選挙前の取材ですか?それを思い出した疎い私たちはどのようにして本当の問題です。それはまるで、ブリトニー、パパラッチの追跡をして彼女とデートする方法をjoronヴァンデルポストsloot 、たくさんあるのですが、物質.... ughhhを参照してください! とにかく、私は私のポケットに投棄すると、ほこりが充満してギターを選ぶ! リック
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