Man, this is a lot of WORK! But it's really fun at the same time. I thought I would show you some pics of the guys at work the last few days. On top is Chris Gardner piano extraordinaire reading a chart yesterday. He is amazing when it comes improvising and understanding my wacky songwriting skills. Next, is Bomani during a late night session the other evening. He has a killer attack on the drums I am sure you will like when you hear him. Check him out at his myspace page http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=49788229 . Be sure to tell him I said "yo". Both of these guys had to work fast and get home. Bomani, because he and his wife are expecting another child (yesterday) and Chris because we have tropical storm Fay coming and he has make sure the generator works so his family wont be in the dark while he is performing at his gig tonight..LOL!
See ya!
男は、これは、たくさんの仕事!しかし、それは本当に楽しいは、同じ時間です。と思った私はいくつかの写真を表示する人職場での最後の数日間です。クリスガードナーは非凡なピアノの上にグラフを読んで昨日のです。彼は素晴らしいとなると理解を私の頭のおかしい即興作詞作曲の知識が必要です。次に、深夜のセッション中にはbomani 、他の夕方です。彼には、キラー攻撃にはドラムに私は確信するようなときは聞いていた。彼は彼のmyspaceページをチェックアウトhttp://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=49788229です。を教えてくれる、私によると、必ず"ヨ"です。これらの人が仕事の両方の高速で家に帰る。 bomaniため、彼と彼の妻は別の子供を期待(昨日)とクリスフェイので、熱帯性低気圧が来ると彼は彼のことを確認してジェネレータの作品のでご家族wontにインザダークながら彼は舞台で彼のギグ今夜.. lol ! じゃあね!
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