Sounding Rick Featured Artist
at Yellow Beat Radio in Japan
Friday April 14th & 28th
According to an email from the fine people at Yellow Beat Radio, they will feature "Unstoppable" beginning at approximately 9:06pm (Japan Standard Time) this Friday and again next Friday.
On the first night, they will be airplaying/webcasting the songs,"Turn You On", "Oh No!" and "I'm Hip" along with stingers/station ID's I did for them. They are also planning to play the tune"Oh No!" for both nights of the feature.
To listen all you need to do is go to http://www.yellowbeat.com/ . Japan Standard Time is 14 hours ahead of US Central Time (where I am located) so the feature is on Friday morning here at 7:06am central time.
Also, I will be playing in Navarre, Florida at Cocodrie's Patio on the beautiful Gulf of Mexico this Saturday from 1pm till 5pm with my friends Donnie Morgan, Greg Roth and Kathy Lyons.
If you are in the area stop by and say hello. While you are here you can pick up an autographed copy of Unstoppable or Evidence!
And while we are talking about Evidence, thanks to everyone for ordering a copy from the store on my site!
Love Rick