Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Live Cuts
From Japan
Tour Posted

Just posted a few songs from last month's Japan Tour to www.myspace.com/soundingrick . These are just a taste of the upcoming live CD to be released in about 30 days.

ちょうど先月の日本旅行からのwww.myspace.com/soundingrickに少数の歌を掲示した。 これらは約30日に解放されるべき次の生きているCDのちょうど好みである。 楽しみなさい!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

And Now Some Humor for Thanksgiving....

While in New Orleans last week I read an article in the Times Picayune "Strangeness in the Night" http://www.nola.com/search/index.ssf?/base/living-7/116322848824040.xml?LPLV&coll=1 about a celebrity charity event at Tipitina's that featured Mike Mills (REM), Steve Earle (cowboy outlaw), TomMorello (Audioslave) and Tony Clifton. The writer went on to say how disgusted he was when Tony Clifton did his routine. But what is funny is how even now 22 years after his death, Andy Kaufman's brilliant lounge singer character Clifton (Bob Zmuda), is still catching audiences off-guard. Reading this article sent me on a search for Tony Clifton and I came up with a true gem. Click here and enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKTR8Yj5hg4 . I wish I had invented this character..LOL! Maybe Michael Richards was channeling Clifton the other night in LA?
Have a great Thanksgiving!
ニユー・オーリンズで先週私がマイクの製造所(レム)を特色にしたTipitinaで時のPicayune 「名声の慈善のでき事についての夜」 http://www.nola.com/search/index.ssf?/base/living-7/116322848824040.xml?LPLV&coll=1の奇妙なことの記事を読む間、スティーブEarle (カウボーイは不法とする)、TomMorello (Audioslave)およびトニーClifton。 作家はdisgusted彼がいかにトニーCliftonが彼のルーチンをしたときだったか言うことを続いた。 しかしおかしい何が彼の死の後の今22年、Andyカウフマンの華麗なラウンジの歌手の特性Clifton (ボブZmuda)がまだ、off-guard聴衆をいかにつかまえているかである。 この記事を読むことはトニーCliftonのための調査の私を送り、私は本当の宝石を都合した。 ここにかちりと鳴らし、http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKTR8Yj5hg4を楽しみなさい。 私は私がこの特性。.LOLを発明したことを望む! 多分ミハエルRichardsは他の夜CliftonをLAの運んでいたか。 大きい感謝祭を持ちなさい!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Blue Plate Special A Blast

Lat night I was a guest on Greg Guzman's "Blue Plate Special" radio show on WUWF in Pensacola, Florida. Greg has been so supportive of my music and last night was no different as he dedicated the entire two our show to playing cuts from the upcoming "Sounding Rick Live in Japan" CD as well as unreleased cuts from my new studio album. We even had time for me to play two live songs on my acoustic guitar. If you have a chance be sure to check out his show at www.wuwf.org on Saturday nights from 10 till midnight (CT). Why not drop him a line and tell him Rick sent you.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Aging of Vintage Strat!!

Here are two pictures of Long Neck Jimmy (my 75 Stratocaster). One is from 1982 and the other is from last month while on tour in Japan.

I think it looks better now than it did back in the 80's, don't you? (Although I'm not so sure about the guy playing it..LOL)!

Thanks to my long lost brother and fellow guitar slinger, Craig McWhinney for the ancient photo.
型Stratの老化!! 長い首ジミー(私の75 Stratocaster)の2つの映像はここにある。 1つは1982年からあり、他は日本の旅行に先月から間、である。 私は80年代に、そうですね支持したよりそれがよりよい今を見ることを考える? 私の音信不通の兄弟および仲間のギターの油切り、古代写真のためのCraig McWhinneyのおかげで。

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Live Radio Show Saturday November 18!

Next Saturday night I will be a guest on "The Blue Plate Special" on WUWF radio. This two-hour live show is hosted by my good friend Greg Guzman and can be heard online anywhere in the world by going to http://www.wuwf.org/ and clicking the Listen Live button. The show is on from 10:00 pm till midnight central time in the United States.

We will be playing some of the cuts recorded live during our tour in Japan in last month and I might even do a song or two on the acoustic.

If you would like to interact with us during the show, you can send an email greg@wuwf.org.
PS I wonder if Greg's gonna let me kiss him this time...LOL!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Passing of a Dear Friend

When I returned home from being out of town yesterday I got a call from the wife of an old friend of mine with news that he passed away on Saturday.

Paul Spanton (aka B.P. for "Big Paul") was the bass player in my band in Philadelphia back in the late 1980's. But he became more than that, he was like a brother. BP was from England and I will never forget his unique sense of humor. He enjoyed a good glass of wine and restoring vintage BSA's. He was a connoisseur of fine things. As long as I knew BP, he never had an official "day job", yet he managed to find enough work to buy a house. He taught me how to make Shepard's Pie one cold, snowy evening in Philly. I still have the Bella Bartok piano book he gave me for Christmas one year and the 37 Gretsch he sold me "cheap". He was a true friend who championed my music. I often sent him songs before I released them to get his stamp of approval.
Paul was an accomplished musician who played bass and piano. After I got the news, I sat back and had so many great memories of our years together. Paul is survived by his lovely wife Karen.
I love him and miss him already.

私が町からあることから昨日家に戻ったときに私は彼が土曜日に渡したニュースとの古い私の友人の妻から呼出しを得た。 ポールSpanton (「大きいポール」のためのaka b.p)は80年代後期のフィラデルヒィアの背部の私のバンドのベース奏者だった。 しかし彼はそれが兄弟のよう、彼だったより多くになった。 bpはイギリスからあり、私は決して彼の独特なユーモアを忘れていない。 彼はワインのよいガラスを回復型BSA楽しみ。 私にまだ彼がクリスマスのための私に1年を与えたBella Bartokのピアノ本がある。 ポールは低音およびピアノを弾いた堪能な音楽家だった。 私がニュースを得た後、私は何もしないでい、私達の年のそう多くの大きい記憶を一緒に有した。 ポールは彼の美しい妻Karenによって存続させる。 私は彼を愛し、既に逃す。