Notes from the Driven
Wow, this has been a crazy few weeks to say the least. Two weeks ago I drove 22 hours to east Texas and back for my 13 year old son and I to ride in a 65 mile enduro through tight (and hot) woods. Then it was off to Tampa for two days of rehearsal for a Wednesday show with my good friends George Valaes and Mike Cusamano. The event was a corporate party on St Pete beach and was a great time. Had a chance to share a good cigar and some laughs afterwards. Got back home on Thursday then left Saturday morning for Mississippi and another race yesterday. In case you haven't figured it out, when I can find the time, I race dirtbikes with my son (about 10 to 12 races per year). It really keeps me sane and in good health. Next Sunday we race an enduro in Alabama then a 24 hour race the following weekend then a 100 mile enduro in Arkansas the weekend after that. Can you say sore butt?! Through all of this I have begun tracking the first song with Chocolate Perry for the next album. We are doing this one long- distance and using the wonderful advancements in recording technology and the internet as he is in Miami and I am not. Chocolate did a Bee Gees record this way between the US and England years ago so I have faith in the process. The release date for my new CD "Life in the Acoustic Projects" has been moved to June 18th. I hope you all like it. Almost forgot to say that another tour of Japan is being scheduled for October 18 and the 29th. Right now it looks like we will be playing Tokyo, Yokahama, Osaka, Nagoya, Nara and Kobe. Stay tuned for more details.
Wow, this has been a crazy few weeks to say the least. Two weeks ago I drove 22 hours to east Texas and back for my 13 year old son and I to ride in a 65 mile enduro through tight (and hot) woods. Then it was off to Tampa for two days of rehearsal for a Wednesday show with my good friends George Valaes and Mike Cusamano. The event was a corporate party on St Pete beach and was a great time. Had a chance to share a good cigar and some laughs afterwards. Got back home on Thursday then left Saturday morning for Mississippi and another race yesterday. In case you haven't figured it out, when I can find the time, I race dirtbikes with my son (about 10 to 12 races per year). It really keeps me sane and in good health. Next Sunday we race an enduro in Alabama then a 24 hour race the following weekend then a 100 mile enduro in Arkansas the weekend after that. Can you say sore butt?! Through all of this I have begun tracking the first song with Chocolate Perry for the next album. We are doing this one long- distance and using the wonderful advancements in recording technology and the internet as he is in Miami and I am not. Chocolate did a Bee Gees record this way between the US and England years ago so I have faith in the process. The release date for my new CD "Life in the Acoustic Projects" has been moved to June 18th. I hope you all like it. Almost forgot to say that another tour of Japan is being scheduled for October 18 and the 29th. Right now it looks like we will be playing Tokyo, Yokahama, Osaka, Nagoya, Nara and Kobe. Stay tuned for more details.
ワウは、これ狂気ずっと最少を言う数週である。 2週前に私は東のテキサスにそして私の13歳の息子のために22時間および65マイルのenduroの乗車に堅く、(熱い)森を通してiを運転した。 それは2日の私のよい友人ジョージValaesおよびマイクCusamanoとの水曜日ショーのためのリハーサル間タンパにそれから消えていた。 でき事はstピート浜の団体党、すばらしい時間だった。 よいシガーを共有するチャンスを持ち、一部はその後笑う。 家に木曜日に戻ってそれからミシシッピーおよび別の競争のための土曜日の朝を昨日残した。 それを把握しなかったら、私が時間を見つけてもいいとき私は1年ごとの私の息子(約10から12競争)のが付いているdirtbikesを競争させる。 それは健全、健康で実際に私を保つ。 次の日曜日私達はアラバマのenduroをそして24時間の競争次の週末そしてアーカンソーの100マイルのenduro週末それ後競争させる。 か。痛むバットを言うことができる! これすべてによって私は次のアルバムのためのチョコレートペリーから最初の歌を追跡し始めた。 私達は彼がマイアミにい、私がないと同時に長距離この1つをして、録音の技術およびインターネットですばらしい進歩を使用している。 チョコレートは蜂のGeesの記録を米国とイギリス間のこの方法年した従って私はプロセスで前に信頼を有する。 私の新しいCD 「音響のプロジェクトの生命」の発行日は6月18日に動いた。 私はそれのようにすべて望む。 ほとんど日本の別の旅行が10月18日および第29の間予定されていると言うことを忘れていた。 今それは私達が東京、Yokahama、大阪、名古屋、Naraおよび神戸をするように見る。 より多くの細部に引続き注目しなさい。