Blabbermouth Gets Airplay in Japan - iTunes Ready- 9 miles and counting!
Wow, what a busy and productive year 2009 has turned out to be! We have released two new albums, "Blabbermouth" and "Color Theory" and are in the middle of three more! One is the next SR album which will most likely be a 2-CD package. It is quite a factory around here when the muse hits.
Thanks for the emails regarding Blabbermouth. Many have written me that this is the best SR CD yet and I am so grateful for your support. We have been getting a lot of love from our Japanese fans thanks to the airplay of "I See It" and "Grand Maybes"! Duane (my Japanese agent) and I are planning a tour soon, maybe in the Spring.
45 days after its release, iTunes has finally added "Blabbermouth" to their store which means it will also be available at all the other digital retailers. Get your iPods plugged in and order it today....:)
For the past eight years I have raced motorcycles in my off-time. The hardcore physical workout you get racing 60 to 100 miles through the woods with 300 equally crazed riders can't be matched. In early 2009 I decided to take a year off from racing (probably why I have been so musically productive this year). To make up for the lack of exercise I started jogging. The other day I hit a milestone as I made it nine miles. It's a great way to clear my head and requires no equipment but running shoes. Funny, you couldn't have paid me to run in my 20's, but now I'm hooked and do it nearly every day. My oldest son is about to compete in his first marathon, maybe some day I can do one with him, CRAZY!!
Wow, what a busy and productive year 2009 has turned out to be! We have released two new albums, "Blabbermouth" and "Color Theory" and are in the middle of three more! One is the next SR album which will most likely be a 2-CD package. It is quite a factory around here when the muse hits.
Thanks for the emails regarding Blabbermouth. Many have written me that this is the best SR CD yet and I am so grateful for your support. We have been getting a lot of love from our Japanese fans thanks to the airplay of "I See It" and "Grand Maybes"! Duane (my Japanese agent) and I are planning a tour soon, maybe in the Spring.
45 days after its release, iTunes has finally added "Blabbermouth" to their store which means it will also be available at all the other digital retailers. Get your iPods plugged in and order it today....:)
For the past eight years I have raced motorcycles in my off-time. The hardcore physical workout you get racing 60 to 100 miles through the woods with 300 equally crazed riders can't be matched. In early 2009 I decided to take a year off from racing (probably why I have been so musically productive this year). To make up for the lack of exercise I started jogging. The other day I hit a milestone as I made it nine miles. It's a great way to clear my head and requires no equipment but running shoes. Funny, you couldn't have paid me to run in my 20's, but now I'm hooked and do it nearly every day. My oldest son is about to compete in his first marathon, maybe some day I can do one with him, CRAZY!!
うわー、何が忙しいと、生産は2009年であることが判明しています!我々は新しい2つのアルバムをリリースしている"おしゃべり"と"色彩理論"との中間で午前3以上! 1つは、ほとんどの2枚組CDのパッケージになるだろうと、次のSRアルバムです。周りはかなりの工場である場合、ここでミューズ件見つかりました。 メールのおしゃべりに関するトンいただきありがとうございます。多くの人はこれが最善のSRのCDはまだですし、私もあなたのサポートに感謝している私に書かれている。我々は日本のファンのおかげで"I"とそれを見るのエアプレイへの愛の大量取得されている"グランドMaybes"!デュアン(私の日本代理店)と私はすぐに、おそらく、春にツアーを計画している。 そのリリースを45日後に、iTunesの最後に"を追加しておしゃべりな人"にも他のすべてのデジタル小売店で入手できることを意味しますが格納されます。あなたのiPodに接続し、それを注文今日....:)を取得 多くの実際の生活の経験からときに書くのアイデアを描く我々はソングライター。次のアルバムからの"恐竜の骨"は、舌では本物の恐竜になっている元ロックスターの頬をつつくです。ロックn Rollの世界は非常に残酷なことができ、それだけで風刺の価値が浅い...!ご滞在のサンプルについては、ホームページに次の2 CDのアルバムからのチューニング。 私が過去8年間、私のオフ時間は、二輪車のレースをした。ハードコアを300と同じように狂ったライダー一致することができない森の中を60から100マイルレースを取得する物理的なトレーニング。 2009年初めに私は、昨年オフにレースから取ることにした(おそらく、なぜ私がこれほど音楽的には、この年)生産している。運動不足のため私はジョギング始めたのを埋め合わせるために。私は9マイル行った他の日、私は画期的な出来事だった。それは私の頭をクリアするための素晴らしい方法だとは機器が必要ですがランニングシューズ。おかしい場合、私の20歳が、今私は夢中とそれをほぼ毎日で実行するに支払っていることができなかった。私の長男についての彼の初のマラソン大会では、おそらくいつの日か私は彼とができるかを競うためには、クレイジー! リック